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Aerodynamic Design Software

Theses and Dissertations



Date of Award

The key steps of the process are detailed in 10 chapters enhanced by AEDsys software on CD-ROM that provides comprehensive computational support for every design step. A user's manual is provided. Compressing large files into several small files or into a big compressed file is never a difficult task for users even before because of the availability of a great software which had been very reliable to use over a long number of years.


Document Type

Thesis Waves cla vocals plugin download.

Aerodynamic Programs

Degree Name

Master of Science


Aedsys source code

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Paul I. King, PhD.


Engine fuel efficiency of aerospace vehicles can be reached by different techniques. One way to do that is to reduce aircraft subsystems power supply effects on the engine performance. Previous research work has showed that extracting bleed air from the high pressure compressor exit is more efficient than extracting the equivalent amount of energy from the low pressure spool shaft. A high bypass turbofan engine was modeled using the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS). The baseline engine performance was evaluated at different flight conditions of Mach number and altitude. To better understand the effect of air bleed take-off and shaft power extraction, four simulation cases are investigated at constant fuel flow and constant high pressure turbine inlet temperature setting. The first two cases extract bleed air from compressors while the last two cases extract equivalent power from engine shafts. Oldboy korean movie with english subtitles free download. Appropriate model modifications and port connections are made to consider the power extraction method. The effect of a bleed air fraction off-take from 1% to 10% and equivalent shaft power extraction on engine performance of thrust and thrust specific fuel consumption was investigated. Engine compressors operating lines and HPT inlet temperature were also checked. Results proved that shaft power extraction is more efficient for engine performance than bleeding an equivalent air fraction from compressors. Those results were shown to be consistent with a simulation run on the AEDsys simulation tool.

AFIT Designator



DTIC Accession Number

Aedsys Source Code


Recommended Citation

Faidi, Anis, 'Effect of Accessory Power Take-off Variation on a Turbofan Engine Performance' (2012). Theses and Dissertations. Ferm pgm1008. 1042.

Aedsys Software

Included in

Aircraft Engine Design Mattingly


Aedsys Manual